Navigating Medicare 2025: Find the Right Plan for You
Are you wondering if you are in the right Medicare Plan? This webinar will reveal what's in store for 2025’s Medicare plans. Join us as we discuss a couple of sample plans that go along with Medicare parts A, B, C, D和医疗补助.
This presentation is for anyone needing the change their plan, 65岁, 退休, 而且没有团体健康保险, or those interested in going on Medicare while still working.
Disclaimer: The tips provided are for informational purposes only and in no way should be relied upon for financial, 税, 或法律建议. The information is subject to change without notice. 加州海岸信用社 encourages you to do 你的 own due diligence when making decisions regarding 你的 financial management.
Kevin Leinum, President, 保险 服务 with Capstone, Inc.